Friday, March 4, 2011


The education system in the USA is on a downhill ride going 100 miles per hour and shows no sign of slowing down.  As much as people want to fight it, the statistics are there.  The USA keeps dropping and dropping compared to other nations in education.  And we can name a thousand reasons why.  Low teacher pay, overcrowded schools, parental indifference, low family income, no more prayer in school, government cut backs, busing, etc, etc.  Yet it amazes me how cities always seem to have enough money to build sports arenas and stadiums, but none for schools.  And who pays the consequences? 
It might seem funny when Jay Leno on the Tonight Show goes to the streets and asks people questions about geography, presidents and other various topics.  He once asked a high school senior if she knew what the capital of France was.  She didn't have a clue.  Yet when he asked her who was Nicole Richie's best friend during a reality show, she said Paris.  Jay asked her the question again about France and she still wasn't putting 2 and 2 together. 

Teachers are overrun with too many students in one class.  They have to worry about social issues that never happened when I was in high school.  They are not given enough essential supplies to perform their functions and stimulate the young minds under their charge.  I know of countless teachers that spend a fortune of their own money to make up for the shortfalls of the education system. 

Even if you don't have any children, it is essential to support your local schools.  These are the adults of the future making decisions.  Paris vs Paris just doesn't cut it. 

DONATE:  Go to your local dollar store and buy a few items of school supplies.  Pencils, erasers, construction paper, stickers, etc.  Hand Sanitizer and paper towels.  And the most important item of all is TISSUE PAPER. Children are sent to school with colds all the time. Some parents just don't have a choice to stay at home with their kids. Teachers desperately need TISSUE PAPER.  A few boxes means cleaner noses and less kids wiping with the back of their hands. Drop it all office at your local school and make a teacher happy.

1 comment:

  1. Dania,
    I have to agree with you. This is such a hot button with me because education was not an option in my mother's book. She was a tough cookie to reckon with and didn't tolerate mediocrity or disrespecting our elders. I think this is a great suggestion and I appreciate you taking the opportunity to call it as it is. No more sugar coating an epidemic that's been plaguing our society for far too long now! I have seen "Jay Walking" on the Tonight Show, and although the audience laughs, it really is no laughing matter, about the basic things our young people should know. Thanks for sharing this!
