Sunday, March 27, 2011

TEXTING - losing a way of communicating

I just saw on internet that they are taking a poll on whether OMG, LOL & BFF should be added to the dictionary.  Really? We even have to consider OMG as a word?  I see my college son on his cell phone constantly texting.  I asked him why didn't he just call people?  He told me that his friends won't answer a ringing phone, only the beeps of incoming texts. 
I recently had a friend through Facebook send me a joke on what it would be like if senior citizens used text messages today.  I can't lie, it is actually funny.
Sr.'s TEXTING CODE : ATD-At The Doctors. BFF-Best Friend Fell. BTW-Bring the Wheelchair. BYOT-Bring Your Own Teeth. FWIW-Forgot Where I Was. PBL-Pacemaker Battery Low. GHA-Got Heartburn Again. IMHO-Is My Hearing-Aid On. LMDO-Laughing My Dentures Out. OMSG-Oh My! Sorry, Gas. ROFLACGU-Rolling On Floor Laughing And Can't Get Up. TTYL-Talk To You Louder. CGOCPT-can't go out, colonoscopy prep tonight.
But reality is that since my son's generation doesn't have conversations with each other, they will actually be sending texts like the ones above.

Another thing that we are losing is penmanship.  Kids today don't know how to write cursive. I taught my kid how to write cursive, but since he doesn't practice it a lot it isn't pretty.  Schools no longer put any effort into teaching penmanship or cursive writing since now we type everything.  Even I am typing this blog. 

I have the blessing of teaching a Zumba class at my church.  Every week between the two classes approximately 125 beautiful Christian women show up.  And one of the things that I have marveled and admired about them is their attentiveness.  But what stands out the most is their art of writing cards. I get cards hidden in my bag or places on my car door or on the stage where I dance.  And their handwritten notes tell me so much more about them than the words itself.  I think about the time this person took to find the card, to find a pen and sit down and think for a few minutes what they are going to write.  Then they put pen to paper and write.  The results make me smile, laugh, or shed an emotional tear.  A cell phone text is nice, but a hand written note is so much more special.

Buy a card for someone you like. It isn't expensive. The Dollar Store has two cards for $1.00.  Give a thank you card to the lady that cleans the bathroom at your office or leave a thank you card for the church nursery worker.  Tell your friend you appreciate them for standing by you year after year.  Write a note on pretty paper and put it in your daughter's bag and tell her how much you love her and how proud you are of her.  Draw a picture and write a note to tell your small child how much you love them and put it in their lunch box.  WRITE, don't text.  It tells the recipient that you care a little extra more.

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