Monday, March 7, 2011


It is the day before Mardi Gras. Fat Tuesday.  LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL as they say in New Orleans.  Then comes the beginning of Lent.  Ash Wednesday.  A solemn time for Christians around the world as we approach Good Friday.  It was a turbulent time in the days of Jesus Christ and it is a turbulent time now.  Wars then, wars now.  Poverty then, poverty now. Struggle then, struggle now.  Nothing seems to change.  A person can get very downtrodden.

I have recently fallen in LOVE with a song by Kirk Franklin.  Here are a few of the lyrics. The name of the song is:


I dedicate this song to recession,
depression and unemployment.
This song’s for you.

Today’s a new day, and there is no sunshine.
Nothing but clouds, and it’s dark in my heart
and it feels like a cold night.
Today’s a new day, where are my blue skies,
where is the love and the joy that you promised me
you tell me it’s alright.
(I’ll be honest with you)
I almost gave up, but a power that I can’t explain,
fell from heaven like a shower.
(When I think how much better I’m gonna be when this is over)
I smile, even though I’m hurt see I smile,
I know God is working so I smile,
Even though I’ve been here for a while
I smile, smile..
it’s so hard to look up when you look down.
Hate to see it when you give up now
You look so much better when you smile, so smile.
I didn't grow up with the tradition of giving up something for Lent.  I hear people give up chocolate or meat or their favorite coffee at Dunkin Donuts.  I understand the physical sacrifice behind this. But how does that improve life for someone else?  Are we giving up the meat so that someone else in need can eat it? Are we donating the chocolate to a children's home as a treat?  If we are going to give up on something, then I believe we should give it out.  My pastor, Kenny Hibbard, opened up his Sunday sermon quoting a book that says, 'Life is not all about you". 

For the first time it has been in my heart to give up something for Lent.  And I am going to SMILE.  I know what to do with the money I would have spent.  I am going to donate it.  This should be something between God and myself, but I also know that people get motivation from others sharing their heart and stories.

Give up something and start giving it out to others.  A simple thing to do during this time of reflection as we prepare to celebrate the greatest gift of all.  Love Eternal from our Lord, Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. I want to participate in this idea! For lent (and after) I am striving to give up all critical talk and replace it with thanksgiving and praise! I hope I can give this out to others through kind words and positive encouragement!
