Tuesday, December 14, 2010


What in God's name is wrong with Hollywood? Who was the idiot that said "puffy" lips were sexy? They all look like blowfish now.
I looked up the word puffy in the dictionary. 
Puffy: inflated, distended or swollen. Fat, plump. Also means conceited, bombastic.

Hollywood hates to be related to the word FAT, yet there it is. FAT lips.  I find it to be the most unattractive look ever.  And it doesn't stop there.  The stretching of the forehead, implants in the cheeks, implants in the chin, nose jobs that make you go huh? My co-workers and I spent a work break one day looking at before and after plastic surgery pictures of Hollywood celebrities on Internet.  We were either horrified, shocked or amused.  But never once did we say, "Wow, they look fantastic".  NOT ONCE! 

We all have what we think are flaws.  But ask a person that is sight impaired if they wouldn't like to see their wrinkles?

Now that I am 50 years old, there are bags under my eyes.  Playing around with the mirror I tried to slightly stretch the skin to see what I would look like.  That small stretch changed the shape of my eyes and it did not look like me.  I couldn't handle that.  And besides, I earned these bags :-)

One day watching The Oprah Winfrey show, they had a woman who had over 20+ plastic surgeries.  She wanted to look like a Barbie doll.  What she ended up looking like was a freak.  They had performed so many "fixes" to her nose that she could no longer blow her nose and had lost her sense of smell.  I can't even begin to list all the procedures this woman had.  But the saddest thing she said was that when she went home to visit one day, her father told her that she was no longer the little girl that looked like him. She was still his daughter, just not one that looked like part of the family.  And at that very moment she regretted the whole thing, but it was too late to go back. I have a big nose.  I know it.  But it is my nose.  Yet more important than that, it is the nose I inherited from my dad.  He has one just like it.  And I don't intend to change it. 

What is this obsession with physical perfection? I know I will never obtain it.  Too much work and I don't have the time or energy. And forget the money a nose job costs these days. I think I was a pretty woman in my younger days.  Now I know I am an attractive woman because now I know who I am.

I have a son that I think is the most handsome thing walking, but he needed a little fix in his teens. A $5000.00 fix.  He got braces.  That's it.  Because I always told him he was handsome.  I told him that God designed him exactly as God wanted him to be.  And who are we to argue with God?  Our job was to keep the design always looking cool.

I never had a daughter, but having been a girl growing up I completely understand the pressure of the media and your peers.  But what I don't understand is parents giving their daughters a boob-job (breast augmentation) as a high school graduation gift! I can just imagine what my mother would have said if I went to her back in the day asking for a boob-job as a present. I probably would have needed surgery due to 'other' causes. 

Say some kind words. Tell your son or daughter, your brothers or sisters, nieces or nephews just how beautiful they are.  It doesn't matter the age.  Insecurities are always there.  Admire a certain feature they have.  Point out the common denominator between all the family members and make them feel connected and special.  Teach them to cherish the big nose. And if they happen to naturally have been born with "puffy" lips, tell them that Hollywood is jealous and is trying unsuccessfully to look like as good as them.

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