Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I turn 50 in a few days and I have been doing a lot of introspection. And I asked myself what matters in life? Seriously, do I really know? These past 2 years have brought it to the forefront. A difficult economy and the global instability are enough to make anyone crazy. I empty-nested. My only son went off to college. And I have a husband that works a horrendous amount of hours. I am grateful he has a job, but I have had to face many, many hours alone. So what do you do to make yourself feel better? I could eat chocolate or go shopping or get a pedicure. But that 'good' feeling disappears so easily. I would gain weight and add more debt to my credit cards and I sure don't need either of those things.

I always considered myself a kind person and would do a nice thing every now and then, but not enough to really make a difference. You always hear that cliche, "It starts with you". But you know something? It really does. WE can change our environment, our world.  One kind act at a time.

I was in the supermarket the other day and there was a lady buying a gallon of milk. She was paying cash for her purchase. Unfortunately she didn't have enough money. She was short a dime. The cashier told her she would wait for her to go get some money from the car if she had it. The lady said she didn't have it. I always complain about how heavy my pocketbook gets because of loose coins. We all have a few coins in our purse. So without saying anything to her because I didn't want to embarrass her, I handed the cashier the $0.10. The lady turned around and said "Thank You, you didn't have to do that." I said, "Don't worry about it, it's just a dime.". And her response to me was, "It is never just a dime."

The rest of the day I had the warm and fuzzies. And I want to experience that feeling more often. I want to fill the voids I have with kindness and warmth.  And I want others to join me in that experience. I want to post an idea of something kind to do every week and I would love to hear your feedback.

Don't give the finger (you know which one I mean), give a hand.

Give up the road rage for one day. If someone turns on their car signal, don't speed up. Let them in. And if someone cuts you off, don't flip the bird, wave and pray they arrive safely.

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