Monday, January 10, 2011


It has been an unusually cold and snowy winter here in the South.  Whenever the meteorologist calls for really bad weather, a syndrome develops and it is called the 'Bread and Milk rush'.  There is a stampede to the supermarket to stock up on bread and milk.  I have never really understood why, but it happens. 
And then I realized that there are folks out there, the elderly, that don't have the luxury to rush and get bread and milk.  A lot of elderly folks don't own a car or they are too old to drive.  They are sight impaired now or forgetful and can get lost, or they just don't have the reflexes to react quickly in a dangerous situation.  Driving in bad weather is a dangerous situation. And believe me, now that I am 50 years old, my eyesight has changed and now I need nighttime driving glasses, aside from my distance glasses and my reading glasses.  Thank God for GPS.  It is sad to know that one day our liberty of driving will be taken away from us and we will depend on someone to get us around.

We might have a neighbor or know of someone who is elderly and there is something very simple that we can do.


If you hear that the weather is going to be bad and plan on going to the store to stock up on food supplies, remember your elderly neighbors.  Go over and ask them if they need anything to keep them comfortable.  Even ask them if they have sufficient meds to keep them healthy.  What extra effort is it to pick up 2 gallons of milk instead of one?  I will be old one day and I hope someone includes me in the Bread and Milk rush.


  1. This is why I am so thankful my MIL lives where she does. ALL of her neighbors take such good care of her!

  2. I love this. Thank you for posting. it is so easy to hunker down and not think of anyone else. Thank you for the reminder.
