Tuesday, December 13, 2011


When you have worked in restaurants for so long and are married to someone who cooks in a restaurant, it is so difficult to eat out without being so critical. I have another blog that talks about my love for food www.marriedachef.blogspot.com.

But when we do go out, regardless if the food ends up being great or just OK, we always take care of our server as long as they are attentive. I know how hard they work since I worked in the restaurant business for 19+ years.  And I now tip 20% of the TOTAL bill.  Inflation has hit everyone and these servers depend on us to make a living too.  In North Carolina, the pay for a server is $2.13 an hour.  Restaurants take the stance that they are doing you a favor by hiring you to serve their clientele since you will be making tips or gratuity, whichever way you want to call it. And the extra work of cleaning, setting up, breaking down and putting away adds an extra 2 to 3 hours a night, without tips.  And it is nasty, dirty hard work. Chewing gum stuck under the tables, crumbs everywhere. Spills made by babies and toddlers that parents ignore since they feel that the help will pick it up. We called them baby bombs.

I learned that all the folks waiting tables have great life stories. Students supplementing college tuition, parents that need extra money to pay unexpected bills, divorced moms that never expected to maintain a household alone, like me. 

BE NICE to your server this 2011 Christmas Season or Holiday Season.  Smile, say please and thank you.  And tip them accordingly, or even a little bit more.  They might be trying to get the money to buy that special toy for the little one at home.