Wednesday, February 16, 2011


We are all frightened by the global economy.  Analysts keep saying that it is SLOWLY improving.  Yet it seems everyone is suffering around the world except China. And right behind it is India.  I watched a progam hosted by Piers Morgan recently.  He was visiting China and showing the immense prosperity happening there.  I wasn't surprised since they export so much and WE buy it all up.

When President Obama was elected to the presidency he wanted for every new item brought into the White House to be Made in the USA.  And I believe he wanted to extend it to any US government office.  I agreed with him 100% on this issue.  Yet the backlash was huge by exporting countries.  How in the world can they dictate what is purchased for OUR governmental offices?  They accused us of PROTECTIONISM.  And they won.  It was at this point that I understood how weak the USA had become.  I bet if I visited the White House today or other governmental offices and looked for manufacturing labels, aside from the historical pieces, it would probably be made in another country. How sad.

I recently read a story that shared how we can start saving our country, the USA.  Unfortunately it was in passing and at a Dr.'s office that I didn't catch the title to share it here.  But it stated that if EVERY American purchased 3 items - Made in the USA - on a weekly basis it would cause a surge in the need for workers at American manufacturing plants.  Putting American's back to work.

When I go to the supermarket I make extra time so that I can carefully look at labels.  When I see "Distributed by", that means it was imported into a distribution center in the USA and sent out to the various stores.  Yes there are jobs at the distribution centers, but not enough to grow our economy.  So I put the 'Distributed by" product back on the shelf and keep looking.  I want to see MADE IN THE USA.  If I can't find it, then I have no choice.  I have found at various stores sponges, laundry detergent, paper towels, toilet paper, light bulbs, drinking glasses, floor mats and socks to name a few items.  Does it cost a few more cents? It does sometimes. But it doesn't matter to me because I am joining in the effort to save this land that I love, a few extra dimes at a time. And this should apply for any country you live in.  I am not against the exchange of product.  Bananas just don't grow in the USA and Russian Vodka is still the best.  What I am against is total dependency on others for our survival.

Here is a suggestion of an item made in the USA that I use. I keep one in the car and another in my pocketbook. 
Udderly Smooth Udder Cream for dry Skin.  Made in the USA for over thirty years.
It has it displayed right in the front with pride.
They sell this cream at your local pharmacy, or online. I found it at Walgreens. 
I think Wal-Mart might even break their own rules and sell it. Imagine that, a non-imported product decorating Wal-mart's shelves.

Buy a product made in the USA to give as a gift or to donate. Your local community center can use the items to give away to help fellow Americans. If you chose to give it away as a gift, let your friend know that it came from the heart and directly from the Heartland of this beautiful country.